Task Management

Tasks are an integral part of our lives. Whether it is Work, or Community or Family, our Life is nothing but a series of Tasks which need to be executed for us to achieve our objectives. However, managing these Tasks is a challenge for almost all of us. If we could just execute our Tasks better, our lives would become so much meaningful.

The common sources of tasks are,

  • External Email

  • Phone Call

  • Internal Email

  • Internal Meeting

  • Written Correspondence

  • Routine, repetitive Tasks

The most commonly used Solutions (which are also very inefficient) are,

  1. Using Email for forwarding Tasks.

  2. Maintaining Excel Sheets with tasks listed.

And with the current situation where Hybrid Work has become a permanent way of work, we had released a Hybrid Work Solution Teamwork 365 Digital Workspace

One important element of the Solution is Task Management.

Some of the Task Assignment challenges are,

  • Within a team, how do you assign Tasks to another Team member?

  • Once assigned, how do you monitor the same?

  • How do you review the assigned Tasks per person?

  • Do you have a system by which you can get list of tasks assigned by you?

  • If you want to review the late tasks assigned by you, how do you do that?

  • In case you want to discuss about the Tasks assigned, how do you do that?

  • Within a Team, can you group the tasks assigned as per category?

  • If you want to assign one task to multiple people, how do you do that?

  • On a Mobile, can you do all the activities related to Task assignment.

Please watch a short Video on Team based Task Management system

So do connect with us if you wish to improve Task Management in your Organization.




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