Microsoft Information Protection

In the current scenario of Hybrid work where Organizations have people working from Home as well as Offices, it is extremely important to secure the Organization Information.

In the blog post today, we will give an overview of the Microsoft Information Protection Solutions. In subsequent blog, we shall go into every building block.


So here is overview which will give you the idea of the complete Solution and some of its components:

Implement Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) to help you discover, classify, and protect sensitive information wherever it lives or travels.

MIP capabilities are included with Microsoft 365 Compliance and give you the tools to Know Your Data, Protect Your Data, and Prevent Data Loss.

1. Know Your Data

This involves 2 steps:

a) Discovery

Discovering sensitive data is the first step. As data travels to various location – often outside of the organization’s environment, you want to know what sensitive data you have and where it’s located. Data may have different levels of sensitivity, and not all data needs the same level of protection.

b) Classify

After sensitive data has been discovered, it’s important to classify the data into distinct categories so that custom controls, such as policies and actions, can be applied. Once the classification scheme is set by the organization, policies can be configured and customized so that sensitive data such as intellectual property, customer info, health records, etc., are protected, stored and shared in a manner that adheres to the organization’s unique requirements. Classification and labeling persist with the file and can be understood and honored by other services, avoiding the need to reclassify and re-label throughout the file’s journey.

2. Protect Your Data

This involves applying flexible protection actions that include encryption, access restrictions, and visual markings which results in Data Protection.

3. Prevent Data Loss

The next step is to prevent accidental oversharing of sensitive information. Gaining visibility into how users are using or distributing sensitive information is an important component of your information protection strategy. In the case of unexpected activity or events involving sensitive information, organizations also need to be able to respond quickly and accurately.

This Solution is a Part of our Security Suite  SecureIT 365  

To get an overview of the Microsoft Security and Compliance Framework, visit: Microsoft Security & Compliance Solution Framework — TechGyan – Cloud Changes Everything




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