Meetings are an essential part of Business. In order to streamline the process of fixing a meeting, there are 2 important steps which need to be managed. The first is to find a suitable date and time when all the attendees will be available. This process can be automated using Meeting Scheduling Assistant, which is a part of Exchange Online. The second is to find which conference room is available on a date and time. Exchange Online allows us to manage the Conference Room booking. Let’s see how it is done:
As a meeting organizer, when you start to schedule a meeting, you get an option of “rooms”. When you click on the same, you get a list of rooms available. And when you click on the room, you get the suggested time meaning when the room is available.
So, once you go ahead and book the Conference room for the meeting, the status of the room gets updated. Now if any other person tries to book another meeting in the same or over lapping time slot, he will be able to see that the room is pre booked. The image below clearly shows that the conference room is not available on Tuesday between 3 and 3:30 PM. So, the organizer can then select a new time or a different conference room.
So, what we have seen is that using the Meeting Scheduler feature of MS Exchange Online in combination with Conference Room booking, the organizer can save substantial time and effort while fixing a meeting.
If you wish to streamline your Office Meetings kindly,