Office 365 Productivity Platform comes with 2 major Workloads for managing Documents:
SharePoint Team Sites are a great way to store Documents which are relevant to Teams like Sales, Admin, etc.
OneDrive for Business is the place where a User creates and stores documents relevant to him and which he occasionally shares with his colleagues within and outside the Company.
As a part of the work process , a user usually starts creating a document in his OneDrive. However, later he may realize that this document is also needed by Team members. So he would need to copy this to the Document Library of the relevant SharePoint Team Site.
To facilitate this, a User can directly do a Cloud to Cloud copy of a Document from his OneDrive to SharePoint Team site. Lets see how.
In the screen below you can see a document which is circled . It is created in the One Drive of the User .
Now, the Admin Team wants to send this to the vendor as Email attachment . So first the User selects the file through his Online OneDrive Portal. Next he selects the Copy command and then on the right selects the Admin Team Site from the list of all the possible Team Sites he has access to.
Once he clicks on the destination, the file is copied to the selected Document Library of the Admin Team Site as shown in the screen below. In the earlier process, the OneDrive document first had to be downloaded on the local hard disk. Then the User would go to SharePoint Team Site and then upload the document from his hard disk. But now with the direct Cloud to Cloud copy being permitted, it leads to Time Savings and the whole process is done much more efficiently. That’s Productivity for You !