Private Channels in Microsoft Teams

Two years back, Microsoft launched Teams. Today it has become a Hub of Collaboration and also an important Platform of our Solution TeamWork 365.  There was a big demand of various people for Private Channels. Recently Microsoft announced Private channel as a new feature of Teams.

In Teams, channels can be created as Private followed by A Lock Icon. Only members of private channels can see and participate in private channels that they are added to. Private channel helps us to secure our documents, files, conversations etc within a smaller group of people of a larger Team.

For example, a private channel is useful in these scenarios:

  • A group of people in a team want a focused space to collaborate without having to create a separate team.
  • A subset of people in a team want a private channel to discuss sensitive information, such as budgets, resourcing, and so on.
Let’s see an example of a Private Channels in Teams

Below shows a Team named All Company, in which all the members of company are get added.

Here there is Private Channel named Budget 01, which is visible for  only 3 members. They can share files & communicate each other. 

However, a word of caution before you create a Private Channel. Ask yourself whether you need a Team or a Private Channel.

If You wish to know more details on Private Channels or You wish to improve Collaboration in Your Organization kindly, 



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